The use and misuse of labels
14 Nov 2021
Nov 23, 20-21.30 at the LUX Lianne Hoogeveen and Harold Bekkering talk and discuss in Dutch the use and misuse of labels like ADHD, Autism and highly-giftedness within the Educational context.
Nov 23, 20-21.30 at the LUX Lianne Hoogeveen and Harold Bekkering talk and discuss in Dutch the use and misuse of labels like ADHD, Autism and highly-giftedness within the Educational context.
One pupil has autism, the other ADHD and the next one is gifted. Labels are in now the most normal thing in the world in education. But what benefit do they bring us? Come and listen to psychologist Lianne Hoogeveen and psychologist Harold Bekkering reflect on the question of what children need to be able to learn and what the pro’s and cons of using such labels are.
Thrown in the bin
Lianne Hoogeveen is specialized in giftedness but would rather see the label thrown in the bin. “It doesn’t say anything about what a child actually needs. Moreover, it gives rise to the assumption that these children will reach higher attainment levels anyway, and that is often not the case.” She would rather see more attention paid to the individual opportunities and struggles of pupils.
Every child comes into his own
Harold Bekkering researches how people learn. He therefore casts a critical eye over innovation in education: autonomy and social connection are very important in order to be able to learn at an optimal level. Instead of putting labels on children, education should be more focused on creating a social environment in which every child comes into his or her own.
But is there something useful about labels? What would happen if there weren’t any labels anymore? And how can we, in an education system in which teachers still face enormous work pressures, let the talents of every child nevertheless come to the fore? After delivering short lectures Lianne Hoogeveen and Harold Bekkering will discuss the topics arising with host Liesbeth Jansen.
Tickets (5 Euros) are available here